Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Observations, Questions and Comments of a Mad Pregnant Woman

Hello All, I have been absent for sometime from the blog. As many of you know, I am expecting my first child in January. This has left me forming many new loops in my brain as I accommodate for this important change in my life. All this change has left me with so many PCT thoughts and questions that it is hard to put them into words.

First, I have found it interesting rediscovering myself as hormones course through my body. For most of my adult life, I have a reference at my principles level that I want to be a peace maker. This series of loops usually has me compromising and maintaining calm, sometimes to my detriment. However, it is important to me to be this person, so when in conflict, I find myself "bumping it up" to this loop. Recently, though, I had a couple friends tell me that I seem to be a little feistier than usual. After reflection, I would have to say they are correct. I still do try to be the peace maker, but when that doesn't seem to work I go into "Feisty Girl" mode. Everyone says that it is the hormones. My question is how, in terms of PCT do the hormones effect the brain chemistry and therefore which loops/levels I operate on?

Another mind blowing thought has been centered on the loops that my child is forming while growing in the womb. I never thought about this before, but as I read about the development of a baby in-utero I am amazed at the loops that are already forming. We usually combine the lowest levels into one category, called, Sensory. Already my child can distinguish light from dark, she can taste, hear, and touch (as evident by all the kicking around I am experiencing). I just find it amazing and how necessary it is for her survival to start these before coming into the world. I then wonder, is she forming categories from these senses as her brain develops? What about sequences? We know that babies in the womb test their movements; they can "play" with the umbilical cord, and other things with their limbs. Don't they need sequences to perform these actions? It was always a wonder to me that we have proven that by a child is 2 years of age, they have (in some form), all the different levels of perception in place. Of course my thoughts were that everything started outside the womb. From the perspective that forming loops starts even before a child enters the world, I can see how this miracle is accomplished.


Mark S. said...

Leslie, It's good to see you back "in the loop". I am always inspired by your observations and perspective. Doesn't parenthood focus to a whole new point of view on life?

LSEaves said...

Thanks, Mark. It certainly does. I can already begin to see a shift in my priorities, worries, and plans. It is awesome and terrifying all at the same time.

Jason said...

Hi Leslie,

You asked: My question is how, in terms of PCT do the hormones effect the brain chemistry and therefore which loops/levels I operate on?

My answer: the hormones are reference perceptions signals. So you end up controling for whatever the purpose of said hormone is.

Congrats on your new baby.

P.S. Can I contribute to this blog? I could email you a post, or two, or three. I am pretty well versed in PCT and ACT. Let me know.

LSEaves said...

Jason, yes you can contribute to this blog, and we are always looking for new people to make contributions. Actually, if you have a blogger.com account or a google account, I believe that you can already contribute to the blog. It will first need to be approved by Mark Southern (our blogger administrator), but he usually does that within 24 hours after you submit it. For more information, feel free to e-mail him directly at ACTnme@gmail.com.

Also, thank you for your response. I never thought about it in that way, but you are correct. Sometimes I am always thinking about references as "pictures" in my head. I forget that those "pictures" are stored as chemicals. I have somemore thoughts, but I need time to sort through them all.