Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"The Gift That Keeps On Giving"

"Tis the Season" the saying goes, but for what? A season to spread peace, love and joy and to give the gift that keeps on giving. “What gift is that?” you say. The ability to live your life in balance and survive an otherwise "wild & crazy world" is priceless. To be able to perceive the world around you in a way that makes sense and allows you to be in control of your actions is one of the best possible gifts you can ever receive.

"Where do you find such a gift" you ask? It can be opened during training sessions offered by New View Publications and Be-Print for Living, Inc. ( in the near future. Visit their websites for more information. January 16-19 finds New View hosting a session at Hilton Head, SC and Be-Print's session is in Charlotte, NC March 20-22. Both welcome any and all participants who are interested in learning more. The participatory sessions teach participants the basic concepts of Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) and how to effectively apply them to one's daily life.

Life can be very stressful for many, particularly during this time of year. By understanding the application of PCT concepts, you have the opportunity to “be the person you want to be.” Join us so you too can unwrap that wonderful gift. You will keep it for a lifetime.
Life can be very stressful for many, particularly during this time of year. By understanding the applications of PCT concepts, you have the opportunity to be the person you want to be. Join us so you can unwrap that package.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

PCT in 7 Minutes

Dr. Warren Mansell, University of Manchester (UK) has an excellent explanation of PCT in a "Rubber Band" YouTube video clip that can be found on the The premise of the clip is "You can't tell what someone is doing by watching what they are doing". The clip is a bit difficult to follow at first (low audio & excessive motion), but his explanation from midpoint on is clear & a very understandable. Mansell's study & research sheds new light on the broader subject of Control Theory. Clicking on the title above will take you directly to

Another linked YouTube clip "PCT & Cultural Evolution" by Dr. F. T. Cloak makes a visibly clear description of the "Loop" and Power's "Levels of Perception". The beginning of the 16 minute clip references several scientific studies, but quickly explains a simplified internal loop sequence. Following is a progression that clealy shows the interaction of Power's idnetified levels of perception.

Mansell's "PCTweb" site is comprehensive and an excellent reference for understanding PCT from many angles and perspectives.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Surprising Power of Happiness

Recently, in a daily entry on the web page "" an article appeared that can easily relate to the basic tenets of PCT and a book by E. Perry Good "In Pursuit of Happiness" (New View Publications, 1987). The article discusses the relationship between a positive attitude and heart health. The article asserts that by employing a daily approach to life with a song like "Don't Worry Be Happy", individuals will live a healthier life.
Through an understanding of PCT and when you look at the theme of "In Pursuit of Happiness", one finds the way to establish that path for positive daily living. Check out the link to RealAge by clicking on the title above.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Successful Board Meeting Held

Sat., Sept. 10, 2011
The IAACT Board of Directors met for their 2011 annual meeting at the Tega Cay, SC Conference Center. The Board heard from senior faculty members about the origin of IAACT and the opportunities for sharing PCT in the near future. Several initiatives and new areas of growth were discussed. Members were presenteted with information on "Roles & Responsibilities of Non-Profit Boards of Directors". Application of this information to their roles as the IAACT Board was discussed.
The Board also undertook the development of Action Plans that will guide IAACT growth and activity in the near future. Many of the plans include the involvement of the current Faculty Leadership Committees and their perspective on where best to focus effort & emphasis. One of the more significant steps initiated was the addition of a 'General Membership' category. Details will be forthcoming. Stay tuned ...

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Breakfast for Mental Well-Being

I ran across an article today on that speaks to positive thinking & outlook on life. The first couple of paragraphs are included below. Click on the title to see the full article. Live Healthy friends.

"Eating a good breakfast doesn't just get your body ready to face the day. It may boost your mental well-being, too. Especially if you choose yogurt.

Newly published research suggests that when you feed your gut fermented foods that contain Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium -- two strains of healthy bacteria found in some yogurts -- your brain ends up with an extra dose of happy-making neurochemicals, too.

From Belly to Brain So just how does healthy flora in your belly have an impact all the way up in your noggin? Apparently good bacteria can actually produce neurochemicals in the gut -- we're talking feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. And these chemicals, in turn, get taken up into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body, including the brain. The likely end result: improved psychological well-being."

For more healty news, go to

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Meetings Announced

The IAACT Faculty Leadership Council (FLC) will meet by tele-conference Tuesday, Aug. 16 at 7:00 PM.

The annual 2011 Board of Directors meeting will be held Saturday, Sept. 10 at the Tega Cay Conference Center, Tega Cay, SC. The Board meeting begins at 10:00 AM. The site of the meeting will be announced this week.

Anyone interested in sharing information or asking question to the FLC or Board can contact Mark Southern at

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Pink Bat

Positive Perceptions Provide Possibilities!!! Enjoy & reflect on the Pink Bat (click on the title above).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

CSG Announces Annual Meeting

The Control Systems Group (CSG) has announced the date & location for its 2011 conference. July 27-31 in Boulder, CO. are the date and location for CSG 2011. To receive more information about the upcoming CSG conference, please e-mail Allie at

CSG is "a membership organization dedicated to the application of Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) in understanding the purposeful behavior of living organisms". The group's mission is to encourage the application of Perceptual Control Theory within existing disciplines and to foster communication and collaboration among disciplines. Check out the CSG web site listed above.

Fred Good, IAACT instructor and owner of New View Publication, is the current President of The CSG and Glenn Smith, IAACT senior faculty member, from Be-Print & Life Connections is the group's President-elect.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Training Sessions

Several IAACT endorsed training sessions sponsored by New View Publicatons are being held this summer. Closed session weeks are being held in Fayetteville, Salisbury and Randolph County during June.

An Intensive Training session that is open to interested individuals or groups is being offered in Chapel Hill, NC Monday - Thursday, June 20-23. ACTs I, II & III are being offered. Space is available at this time for all three level courses.

Detailed information about the Chapel Hill event can be found at .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Executive Director Named

President Glenn Smith announced this week the selection of IAACT's first Executive Director (ED). Mark Southern of Clemmons, NC was named to the position by a committee consisting of Board members and senior faculty. As ED, Southern will work as liaison between the Board of Directors and the Faculty Leadership Committe (FLC) in organizational matters, promote IAACT's mission, encourage active member participation on FLC committees, manage the day-to-day affairs and facilitate a strategic planning process that meets IAACT's growth goals.

Southern has been involved with IAACT for ten years first as a workshop participant, attained certification, participated in the Faculty-in-Training Boot Camps, and now provides training in a course titled "Rational Thinking in an Irrational World". Mark has been active in numerous IAACT activites and trainings in his time as an organization member. He brings to the position experience as an educator and long-time school administrator, successful sports coach and support group leader, advisor and facilitator for several organizations. Being actively involved as a deacon and teacher at his church, part-time technology facilitator for an elementary school in Winston-Salem and president of his son's lacrosse booster club (ASU) keeps Mark busy. However, his interest in the application of PCT in his own life and sharing that knowledge with others inspired him to offer his services to IAACT as Executive Director. Southern's motivational theme for IAACT is TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. He will encourage active member participation as an essential element for the healthy growth of IAACT.

Questions, suggestions and volunteering to serve on IAACT committees are encouraged. Contact Mark at, or 336-813-8484.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

IAACT Reorganizes Structure

Prior to the annual Hilton Head Intensive seminar hosted by New View, the IAACT faculty held a two day retreat and business meeting. As a result of the meeting, a new organizational structure has been implemented.

In association with three members of its Board of Directors, the faculty has redefined how IAACT will operate. An Executive Director (ED) will be hired to act as the operational manager of IAACT and serve as liaison between the Board and the Faculty Council. Selection of the Executive Director was given to an adhoc committee of Board members and current faculty. Announcement of the ED will be made in February. Eight standing Committees have been established with the goal of involving as many faculty and general members as possible in active decision-making and group activities. Each committee will be chaired by a faculty member who will then serve on the Faculty Leadership Council (FLC).

The FLC and the ED will work together to manage the day-to-day and instructional services of IAACT and the Board of Directors will provide oversight and directional guidance for the organization. The new structure is designed to increase member participation, improve global awareness for IAACT & develop efficient internal management.

Current members and Intensive Seminar participants will soon receive a letter from current President Glenn Smith outlining the changes and encouraging active involvement.