Saturday, March 12, 2011

Executive Director Named

President Glenn Smith announced this week the selection of IAACT's first Executive Director (ED). Mark Southern of Clemmons, NC was named to the position by a committee consisting of Board members and senior faculty. As ED, Southern will work as liaison between the Board of Directors and the Faculty Leadership Committe (FLC) in organizational matters, promote IAACT's mission, encourage active member participation on FLC committees, manage the day-to-day affairs and facilitate a strategic planning process that meets IAACT's growth goals.

Southern has been involved with IAACT for ten years first as a workshop participant, attained certification, participated in the Faculty-in-Training Boot Camps, and now provides training in a course titled "Rational Thinking in an Irrational World". Mark has been active in numerous IAACT activites and trainings in his time as an organization member. He brings to the position experience as an educator and long-time school administrator, successful sports coach and support group leader, advisor and facilitator for several organizations. Being actively involved as a deacon and teacher at his church, part-time technology facilitator for an elementary school in Winston-Salem and president of his son's lacrosse booster club (ASU) keeps Mark busy. However, his interest in the application of PCT in his own life and sharing that knowledge with others inspired him to offer his services to IAACT as Executive Director. Southern's motivational theme for IAACT is TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More. He will encourage active member participation as an essential element for the healthy growth of IAACT.

Questions, suggestions and volunteering to serve on IAACT committees are encouraged. Contact Mark at, or 336-813-8484.