Sunday, January 31, 2010

Practicum Facilitator Training Process Changes

Barnes Boffey, Director for Professional Development, recently announced a significant change in the 'Practicum Facilitator' training process. Beginning Jan. 1, 2010 those wishing to become IAACT Practicum Facilitators will complete competencies outlined in "Competencies for the Unified ACT I & ACT II Practicum Facilitator". Information about the unified competencies can be obtained by contacting Barnes at

Faculty Retreat Update

The call has been made by President Glenn Smith for IAACT faculty attending the March 19-21 retreat to submit their conference deposits. All payments (deposit - $125 for residential atendees; $45 for commuters or full - $250 & $90) should be directed to:
IAACT, c/o Fred Good PO Box 1046, Carrboro, NC 27510 as soon as possible.

We are excited to announce that Dr. Joseph Johnson has agreed to serve as retreat facilitator. Check out his web page at . Attendees are in for a treat in meeting and working with Dr. Johnson.

The conference agenda is being finalized with major emphasis on reconnecting, 'mapping IAACT's future' and 'sharing what works best'. Make plans to join us March 19-21 to strengthen bonds & grow IAACT. If you are still interested in attending the retreat and have yet to make that commitment, do so today. Your time will be well spent.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

BE-Print Training Announced

BE-Print for Living, Inc. is joining Life Connections, Inc. and IAACT, Inc. in facilitating an ACT I (BE-Print I) and ACT II (Be-Print II) training in Charlotte, NC on Tuesday - Thursday: March 16th, 17th, and 18th. Mark your calendars now. Information on registration for this training, applying for scholarships, and agency rates can be obtained from Glenn Smith at 704-332-7278 or e-mail if you have any questions. This training is approved for Professional Certification Credits.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Connected School Training @ Hilton Head

"A Connected School" training took place on Hilton Head Is., SC Jan. 18-21. Participants from California, Indiana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Vermont, and London, England joined together under the leadership Perry Good and IAACT faculty to further their understanding of Perceptual Control Theory ideas and practices. AND, after four years, the weather was great! Don't you wish you were there? Have you ever seen the Loop drawn & described in the sand? It was an impressive site.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Intensive Training Seminar - Jan. 18-21

Are you tired of the cold, snow & being inside all the time? Relief is here and now - join us at the Hilton Head, SC Intensive Seminar Jan. 18-21. The sessions for ACT I, II, III & IV are held at the Hilton Oceanfront Hotel on HH Island. Strolling on the beach, soaking up the warm coastal sun and relaxing. Doesn't that sound better to you? Not to speak of the insight and extent to which you will have a deeper understanding of Control Theory. What a great deal!

Information and registration information can be found at , email or by calling New View at 800.441.3604.