Glenn Smith and Shelley Roy's Book: Creating Your BE-Print - Drafting Your Personal Blueprint for Living has been released by Five Crows Publishing as of March 1, 2010. You can preview the book by going to the BE-Print for Living web site at http://www.be-print.net/. Below is the description offered with Lightning Press:
The BE-Print is a document and a process that asks the reader to look deep within and explore their depths. "Just as an architect needs a blueprint to build a structure, a person needs a BE-Print to build a life.” There are two problems facing most people: they do not apply self-discipline to creating the life they desire and most people have no clue what criteria on which to evaluate themselves. If this criterion does not exist, individuals are prone to evaluate others, worry about how others evaluate them, and evaluate what is happening to them. With BE-Print, the focus shifts from others to you and who you want to be in any given situation. What makes this approach to personal exploration different is its strong foundation in scientific research on human behavior — Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) along with the latest thinking on learning, change, leadership, and organizational development. The focus of this book is on this moment forward and helping you handle the vicissitudes of life. This book is not about digging into your past but digging deep within yourself. It is about living in the now with an eye on the future. While reading you will engage in self-evaluation and self-reflection, trying to pull from within you the person you want to be. Unlike other self-help books this book does not provide rules to follow or strategies that apply in a limited number of situations to specific problems; instead, it helps you become the best you in EVERY situation.
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