Saturday, December 28, 2013

Project Uth 360 Degrees Media Coverage

The Project Uth 360 Degrees program in Stokes County, NC (Walnut Cove) has been highlighted in the Winston-Salem Journal and Fox8 News today (12/17/2013). The program envisioned and run by ACT I instructor Malcolm Dixon focuses on supporting Stokes County children with emphasis on education, recreation, life values and service.
Currently a three day basketball and dance activity sponsored by Uth 360 has drawn dozens of children ages 5-15. Motivational speakers, adult role models and fun activities provide participants a needed outlet during the winter holiday break. More information on the program can be found on the group's Facebook page and at .

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Loop 2.0" Jan. 17 - 20, 2014 - Charleston, SC

Be-Print for Living, Inc. has announced an exciting and affordable training opportunity for PCT (Perceptual Control Theory) students & instructors. An open session (to anyone with a strong interest in the science) will run from Jan. 17-20, 2014 in historically beautiful Charleston, SC. Conference details can be found at   Participation fees are just $285 with an added bonus registration that you can read about on the "book shop" web page (right of the photo quote). 

Challenge your perceptions, take the leap  into the deep end of the pool & join the "Loop 2.0" in January, 2014.

Thought for the Day - Seeking Happiness

A recent visit to the New World of Coca-Cola offered an interesting insight into PCT. In a video documenting the history of Coke advertising the statement " The only place you need to explore to find happiness is inside yourself. " (World of Coca Cola, Oct. 2011)

Consistent with our understanding of PCT, that statement is right on target. By processing & controlling the information we take in, comparing it to our references and determining our output/response, we are able to create our own happiness. Looking at the world through "rose colored glasses" is not always the answer. Determining how you will respond to the outer world's stimuli does provide you the opportunity to find your own comfort level or happiness.

Monday, September 30, 2013

In Memory of William T. Powers

William T. Powers - 8/29/1926 - 5/24/2013

William Powers, the creator and leading proponent of Perceptual Control Theory (PCT), passed away on May 24 at his home in Boulder, CO. Powers pioneered the understanding  and teaching of PCT principles in both the scientific and behavioral community. His first publication was published in 1960 and set the tone for a significant shift in the understanding of the nature of living systems and human behavior. The foundation of analyzing PCT lies within the study of the "negative feedback loop" and the "levels of perception."  Powers was unselfish in sharing his insight to anyone who sought to understand what makes all living systems 'tick'. Several professional organizations (scientific, educational and management) carry on the work initiated by Powers through training, research and living the principles defined in PCT.

A memorial research fund has been established to continue study and development of PCT. Interested contributors can contact Richard Markham at The International Association for Applied Control Theory (IAACT) owes its foundation in large part the work of William T. Powers. IAACT members will continue shared all we have learned from Bill with the world.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

PCT In Education

Providing educators (at all levels) with useful information and tools is essential in the current educational arena. Warren Mansell & colleagues from the University of Manchester (UK) have synthesized information from various sources (Carey, Cziko, Petrie, Bourbon) to give clear information why the use of PCT works in the classroom. Mansell and associates research & publish sound scientific PCT foundations for many life perspectives.

Use this link,, to view PCT Web's research. Proponents of PCT in the classroom can share this information with those looking for concrete solutions. Trainers associated with IAACT are ready & willing to talk with decision makers and set up staff training opportunities for anyone interested (district or school level).

Visit the IAACT web site for more information - .

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Control Theory Training - Session Options Now Available

Perceptual Control Theory  training - through Applied Control Theory seminars - is now provided with options in your busy world. The traditional three consecutive day seminars have been joined by training sessions offered one day a month on consecutive months. Meeting your time needs with flexible scheduling options allows you to gain valuable insight into strategies for managing life's ups and downs more effectively.

Be-Print forLiving, an IAACT affiliate, has initiated training seminars which provide scheduling flexibility for schools, corporate entities and individuals. To see information on the next training session in May, contact Be-Print and  provide your email address & contact information to The Be-Print monthly newsletter shares insightful observations and tips for successful living.   Be the person you want to become by controlling how you deal with life's daily circumstances. Applied Control Theory training will provide the tools for you. 

"Connected Schools" Training Reminder

New View Publications & Seminars is offering "Connected Schools" training in Chapel Hill, NC June 17 - 19, 2013. School system administrators, building level leaders and classroom teachers are encouraged to participate in these timely and beneficial sessions. Strategies for dealing with the everyday stresses & challenges of school life will be shared.

Click to view or download Seminar Information and Registration Brochure from New View.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Find IAACT Differently

As of April 1, 2013 the mailing address for IAACT has changed. Direct all correspondence to our new address - 643 Barrocliff Rd., Clemmons, NC 27012. Your correspondence will be responded to more efficiently when using our new address.
Information on the web site is being updated also. Faculty and Practicum Facilitator lists have been updated. Faculty profiles will reflect only those members who are up-to-date and currently active in teaching seminars & training sessions.
Any questions or annual membership payments should be directed to the new address or by contacting IAACT at or filling out the "Contact Us" section on the IAACT web site.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Create A Day of Your Choosing

Who is in charge of your life today? YOU are the master of your own fate. Why allow others to determine how you feel, act or respond to life? Become the person you want to be by following your own drams and living up to the expectations and goals you set for yourself.
Many memorable quotes move us in the direction of being in charge of our own destiny:
Martha Washington - "I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."
Henry James - "It's time to start living the life you've imagined"
Andrew Carnegie - "If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes."
Hugh White - "The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."
and finally,
John Rohn - "Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person we become."

Live YOUR life with a purpose.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Creating Connections that Work!

The 2013 annual IAACT faculty meeting was held Saturday, Jan. 19 in Hilton Head, SC. Andrea Christopher, ACT I instructor, led faculty and members in a variety of  practical activities that are used to create effective "connecting activities" for training session participants.
The activities, led by Ms. Christopher, were analyzed and expaned on by those attending. Other faculty shared their own 'best practices' that are used to demonstrate specific aspects of Perceptual Control Theory principles used during ACT seminars. All agreed the events of the day were stimulating, informative and effective strategies that could be used for all in attendance. 
Training and the development of effective learning techniques is not limited only to participants. Effective teachers are also continuous learners. Never seek to stop learning; life-long learning is a continuous process.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hilton Head Conference - One Week Away

The IAACT 2013 annual meeting and New View's Intensive Seminars are only one week away. The annual IAACT meeting will convene on Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort on Hilton Head Island, SC. Andrea Christopher, Act I instructor will be leading the morning session in "Creating Connecting Activities that Work". All those interested in developing additional PCT skills are invited. Contact the IAACT office at 336-813-8484 or email to register.

Beginning Monday, Jan. 21, New View Publications & Seminars are hosting Intensive Seminars in Acts I, II & III. Additionally, an Act IV session " The Loop ... & Beyond" will be hosted by IAACT at the same location. Information & registration are available by calling New View at 800-441-3604. CALL TODAY & join us.